The wild horses at Wild Heart Sanctuary
bring people together in unique ways.
The experiences here are truly extraordinary,
deeply felt, and magical!
We would love to hear about our visitors' connections
with the Wild Heart herd & the Sanctuary.
We are so grateful for the chance to learn how
your time with us has impacted you.
Please share your experiences with us by sending a testimonial in the "Contact Us" box below.
Wild Heart Sanctuary Visitors' Testimonials
“Every time I visit Wild Heart Sanctuary, I’ve experienced upgrades on multiple levels. There is so much to enjoy, from yoga to the sunset to music to simply spending time with the healing horses. 🥰 Each visit to my favorite place brings an increase in my energy, spirituality, and emotions! The wise mustangs possess a remarkable ability to heal, and I’ll always be grateful for the mustangs, the sanctuary, and Sonya!” -Tanja
"My experience at Wild Heart Sanctuary was transformative. During my morning meditation, I opened my eyes to find a tribe of nine wild mustangs surrounding me in a protective embrace.
In that magical moment, it felt like every star in the universe connected through these magnificent beings, genuine channelers of wisdom for humanity. So, I listened from the depth of my Soul and felt their voices speak directly to my heart, imparting profound insights that reached far beyond words. In that instant, I discovered a forgotten language—a deep understanding that awakened my spirit."-Frank Lane, author
"Since my first experience at Horse Journey Yoga at Wild Heart Sanctuary, I have felt a strong urge to let others know about the peace, love, and magic of these beautiful beings. Their spirits have helped me sleep better at night and have brought me great peace in their presence." --Stan.
"Sonya, you and I will forever be bonded over our love of wild horses, our planet, and the ethical, humane treatment of all animals. I am blessed beyond words to have been taught by the eight noble, magnificent, beautiful horses that you call your children. Without them, I would never have learned the deep connections that can be forged without a single word. I am eternally and forever grateful to each of them and to you for inviting me into your odyssey of love for them. We can make a difference, and no matter how deflated, defeated, sad, or angry I feel about it... I will fight for them until I am dust." —Shauna
"I discovered Wild Heart at a time when I needed to heal, reflect, and reinvent myself. Through Horse Journey Yoga and volunteering, I have reconnected with my own sacred heart. Co-creating unforgettable, transformative experiences in connection with eight beloved mustangs in a magical, natural setting infuses me with an energy like no other. Come to Wild Heart to find wholeness with the horses who seek refuge in this place of peace. Don't be surprised if you see cranes, hawks, coyotes, elk, deer, prairie dogs, and the innocent childlike beauty you forgot to notice in yourself."
"Wild Hearts Sanctuary has been my source of peace and wisdom. I assist with Horse Journey Yoga, where the wild mustangs communicate telepathically, imparting wisdom from their hearts. Miss Sonya, who takes care of these mustangs, is incredibly intuitive; I believe she is a mustang in human form! The time I spend at this sanctuary is invaluable, and words cannot capture the energy they exude. The best way to sum it up is that you must experience it. Every visit is magical, peaceful, and timeless!
Eternally grateful,